SDR-Lab Testbeds
In our SDR Lab, we work with Ettus
Research's B210 and X310 Universal Software Radio Platform (USRP)
series, which possess professional quality for research experiments and
open architectures to be paired with general purpose computers.
Below are some sample use cases:
I- Slicing Prototype for C-RAN testbed
II- Dynamic Network Slicing for IoT and eMBB services
III- On-demand Functional Split Prototype for C-RAN
IV- NFV Orchestration Platform using Docker Swarm
V- Autonomous Anomaly Detector for C-RAN KPIs
VI- DL-based DDoS Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G and Beyond Networks
VII- Deep Learning-based Smart Radio Jamming Attacks Detection on 5G V2I/V2N Communications
VIII- Reinforcement Learning-based DDoS Attacks Mitigation in 5G-V2X Networks